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Weight loss easier when combined with Contrave

Posted by weigthloss-diets Friday, July 30, 2010 0 comments

A new study has stated that weight loss can be triggered even more if along with formal counseling on lifestyle changes, an experimental obesity drug is taken.

About 800 adults were enrolled for the study of a drug called Contrave. Contrave is made by combining the antidepressant bupropion (Wellbutrin) and naltrexone.

It has been seen in trials that Contrave generally has outperformed other placebo pills when it comes to weight loss.

Over a year it was seen that the study participants taking Contrave last about six per cent of their initial weight as compared to those who took placebos.

If the medication is combined with diet counseling and a little changes are made in the lifestyle then weight loss can be achieved.

Contrave was found to be more effective in weight loss when participants in the drug-plus-counseling group lost 9 per cent of their initial weight, which was much more than those who took placebos.

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Want to lose weight? Surf the net

Posted by weigthloss-diets 1 comments

According to research, visiting a Website that is interactive can actually help you shed those extra pounds.

Lead researcher Kristine L. Funk of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon, said that people lost more weight by using a web-based records keeping resource for about two-and-a-half-years at least once a month as compared to people who did not visit such Websites.

About 348 people were followed for making observations for the study and these were those people who lost weight using Web-based method. They were able to keep off about five pounds after logging once a month.

Funk said, "Consistency and accountability are essential in any weight maintenance program. The unique part of this intervention was that it was available on the Internet, whenever and wherever people wanted to use it."

Co-author Dr. Victor J. Stevens added that it was more difficult to keep the lost weight from coming back when compared to just losing weight. In the study people were able to keep their weight off and this is really good.

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How to Lose Weight with Yoga

Posted by weigthloss-diets Wednesday, July 7, 2010 1 comments

Yoga may not conjure up the same images of a calorie-burning, sweat-inducing workout as, say, Buns of Steel or Tae Bo.

But don’t be fooled by yoga’s deep breathing and sometimes-slow poses: Doctors and personal training experts say it can seriously trim and tone your body — and also work on your mind and spirit to help you get healthier overall.

So take in what experts say about how to do yoga for weight loss, and get ready to pare down with some downward dogs.

Go beyond the burn

Calories burned during yoga vary widely — from 180 to 360 per hour — depending on the type of yoga you practice. Fitness director Guy Caracciolo at the Dedham Health and Athletic Complex in Dedham, Mass., places Vinyasa, Ashtanga and other forms of “power yoga” at the top, along with yoga fusion workouts that accelerate calorie burning by mixing it up with dance or kickboxing.

Big Apple Power Yoga owner Nanci Muriello in New York City agrees, recommending power yoga for its weight-loss triple force: strength, flexibility and cardio. During a typical 90-minute session, the deep breathing techniques heat you up inside, helping to flush out toxins and water weight and boost performance of the lymphatic system and organs. “It’s a great physical workout,” Muriello says.

But as with all styles of yoga, there’s a deeper benefit: You’re tuning in to your body.

“Suddenly you actually get the signal that you are full or that a particular food doesn’t digest well, or you notice after you eat something that you feel amazing,” says Muriello.

Sometimes, less is more
“It’s not necessarily the hardcore class that’s going to help,” says Oakland, Calif., physician Baxter Bell, M.D., who’s also a yoga instructor and medical acupuncturist.

Ironically, gentle and restorative yoga can help with weight loss, Bell says — by kicking on the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates breathing, digestion and hormones.

As you jet through the day in fifth gear, your body is often in fight-or-flight mode, and high-octane hormones are circulating. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, you’re stepping (gently) on your internal brakes, which lets everything take a rest: Hormones rebalance, injuries begin repairing, and digestion proceeds normally — all of which can aid weight loss, Bell says.

Gentle yoga is also a good way to start slowly, which is crucial if you’re new to yoga to avoid injuries that could immobilize you and blow all hopes for weight loss at least for a while — and serving as a enough of a buzzkill that you write off yoga altogether.

Strike a (fat-burning) pose
Certain poses, or asanas, are “killer apps” for weight loss, with “benefits that far exceed mere calorie burning and muscle strengthening,” says Nicole Persley, a teacher at Yoga and Inner Peace in Lake Worth, Fla. “Yoga speeds up the metabolism by stimulating endocrine glands that regulate the metabolic rate,” she explains.

Certain poses can also help with trouble spots. Persley suggests the following:
* Shoulder stand and fish pose: Both rouse the thyroid, helping to boost your body’s metabolism.
* Valrasana (spinal twist), a lengthening child’s pose, and cobra pose: These twisting poses massage the abdomen, target internal organs and aid with optimal digestion.
* The dogs: Downward-facing dog and upward-facing dog poses are particularly helpful in toning hips and thighs.
Ask your doctor before you begin, and then go to a class, get a yoga DVD or get other how-to on basic yoga positions.

But while you’re striking poses — particularly in fast-moving vinyasa or power yoga — it’s crucial that you pay attention to your body, says fitness instructor Patricia Moreno, founder of intenSati and creator of several yoga-fusion and weight loss DVDs for Gaiam.

“Good alignment is always important but when people are too focused on burning calories they sometimes compromise alignment,” says Moreno.

Broaden your goals

Think big picture — considering not only your physical body, but also your spirit. “Ask yourself, ‘Why do I want to lose weight?’” Bell suggests. Is it for self-image, a relationship, to boost energy?

Whatever it is, devise some related goal such as reaching a career milestone or being able to take the stairs or play with your kids without getting out of breath. Then notice your total successes as you move forward, Bell suggests. If, say, your goal was better health and your breathing has improved and your lower back has strengthened due to yoga — even if you haven’t yet lost a lot of pounds — give yourself some credit and keep up the good work.

Expect long-term results

Research shows that yoga can help stop middle-age spread. Overweight folks who regularly practiced yoga for 10 years between ages 45 and 55 lost five pounds on average, compared to a 14-pound gain for those who didn’t, according to a 2005 study from Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

“From my experience, it has to do with the way that yoga makes you more aware of your body,” says Alan Kristal, Ph.D., lead author of the study.

Yoga practioners also simply ate more mindfully — and had a lower body mass index – than non-practioners, explains Kristal. In other words, they notice when they’re full, and more easily avoid eating out of stress or boredom.

“Yoga teaches awareness of the self, which is important for long-term change,” Moreno points out. “Use this higher level of awareness to help you make healthier eating choices and decrease mindless eating.”

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What's Your Fitness Personality?

Posted by weigthloss-diets 0 comments

When I take my daughter to her dance class at our community rec center, I’m always amazed at the number of people pacing doggedly on the treadmill or working up a sweat in spinning class — even when it’s sunny and 70 degrees outside.

“This is Boulder, Colorado!” I think to myself. “We have acres and acres of public Open Space, miles and miles of running and cycling paths and hiking trails. Why would anyone choose to exercise indoors?”

The answer likely lies in a concept that’s at the core of getting — and staying — in shape: fitness personality.

I thrive on nature and novelty. The thought of a regular gym workout under fluorescent lights bores me before I even try it. But someone else may be inspired by the predictable routine and location I loathe. Ensuring that your fitness regimen jives with your fitness personality is the key to making exercise easier and more enjoyable — and thus a more consistent part of your life.

If you poll your friends about their exercise habits, patterns will start to emerge. My friend Mimi is out the door for a walk at 5:30 a.m. without fail, even in the dark and cold of winter. My sister-in-law spends her early mornings on her home treadmill. As for me, I can barely rouse myself before the sky is light, and the only thing that guarantees any discipline is if I have shelled out money for a gym class. Ideally, it’s a dance class, with invigorating music. We clearly have different fitness personalities!

Why should you identify your fitness personality?
“Fitness personality” is a concept that’s gained traction among exercise experts. Jonathan Niednagel, an athletic consultant for professional teams and author of Your Key to Sports Success, explains how understanding your inborn brain type can help motivate you, choose which sport and speed you’re best suited for, and which athletic pursuits to avoid. In Suzanne Brue's book The 8 Colors of Fitness, she applies principles from the popular Myers-Briggs personality inventory to help readers develop a personalized exercise program within eight color-coded types. And Susan Davis-Ali, Ph.D., who has developed a Fitness Interest Profile survey for the Life Time Fitness health club chain, says research suggests that people who engage in activities appropriate for their personalities will enjoy their workouts more and are likely to stay with them longer.

By identifying your fitness personality, you can create an exercise program that suits your rhythms and interests, which comprise who you are. Working with your personality, rather than against it, can help you find a fitness approach that can become an integral part of your life.

Maybe getting fit is a brand-new goal for you. Consider your overall orientation to life and relationships — do you like consistency or change? Time alone to think or lots of conversation with friends? Are you geared toward goals, or do you prefer to relax and see what unfolds? Do you like to get up early and get your obligations out of the way, or are you more spontaneous, tackling tasks as the spirit moves you during the day?

Based on a range of composites from the growing literature on fitness personalities, we’ve put together some categories to help you assess yours. Find one that captures the way you feel about exercise — there may be several. Then, check out the recommended workout possibilities, and get moving in a manner that works for you, not against you!

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Weight Management; Lifestyle Tips

Posted by weigthloss-diets Saturday, July 3, 2010 0 comments

Know the difference between weight loss myths and facts.
Can you lose 20 pounds in a week? Not likely; a much more realistic goal is to lose one-half to two pounds per week; it's slower, but it's more likely to come off and stay off. Eat smaller, balanced meals instead of skipping meals to lose weight; it's more effective. Don't expect to "eat all you want" and still lose weight. You can eat a variety of foods, but the total amount of calories has to be less than you use up every day. There is no such thing as "fat-burning" foods. Exercise is what you need instead.

Lose the diet-and the weight?

Can you lose weight by not dieting? Perhaps, but there are no published studies that document that this is a successful weight loss technique. Some of the guidelines for following this eating plan include eating only when you're hungry and stopping when you're full; maintaining a variety of foods in your meals to keep them well-balanced; keeping your portions moderate; gravitating towards home-cooked meals without as much fat, sugar or salt as commercial meals; taking part in physical activity and enjoying your ability to move through the day; and trusting your body. What you want to do is establish a habitual eating plan, one you can follow most days of the week and feel comfortable with. You should strive to follow the Dietary Guidelines but realize that you're not a "failure" if you slip once in a while. What you eat during most days of the week is what counts towards your health.

How to Control Emotional Overeating

If you know you're likely to reach for food when you're anxious or upset, avoid strict diets. These tend to give you a sense of deprivation. Use a moderate diet with healthy snacks to keep you going. Make a point of noticing emotional triggers that make you want to eat--try writing them down. When they occur, grab a cool drink of water to give you a chance to think, then begin an activity you've decided to substitute for eating, such as a 15-minute walk, calling a friend, reading a chapter of a book you enjoy or using the computer.

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Weight Management; Facts to Know

Posted by weigthloss-diets 0 comments

About 133 million Americans-about 66.3 percent the nation--are overweight or obese

More than two-thirds of Americans don't meet basic activity level recommendations, and 24 percent are completely sedentary.

According to the American Obesity Association, obesity (and unhealthy dietary habits and lifestyles that don't include much or any physical activity) is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.

4.According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), 40 percent of newly identified cases of anorexia are in girls ages 15-19, and over half of teenage girls use unhealthy weight control behaviors, such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, taking laxatives, and vomiting. And the obsession with weight starts early--NEDA reports that 42 percent of first- to third-grade girls want to be thinner, and 82 percent of 10-year-olds are afraid of getting fat.

Children and teens who are overweight often have a lifelong struggle with their weight and are at high risk for developing diabetes, high blood pressure, diseased arteries, damaged hearts and liver damage.

If a woman's waist circumference divided by her hip measurement is greater than 0.8, she is considered to have a high amount of visceral fat, which is the type of fat that surrounds the internal organs. This is especially true if her waist measurement is more than 35 inches. This type of fat is associated with higher risk of certain diseases and conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

If you eat 250 calories per day fewer than needed to maintain your weight, and exercise enough to burn an additional 250 calories a day, you will lose about a pound per week.

Your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories your body needs just to maintain its basic functions, is determined by multiplying your current weight by 10. You need additional calories to provide energy for daily activities; the more active you are, the more calories you need.

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Weight Management; Prevention

Posted by weigthloss-diets 1 comments

If you have 10 or more pounds to lose, it's probably a sign you've been letting your eating habits get out of control for six months to a year. Of course, it's best to use weight management techniques before you become overweight, to prevent weight gain in the first place.
The federal government issues helpful dietary guidelines, spelling out how much and which food you should eat and how much you should exercise to stay healthy. The guidelines, which are revised every five years (most recently updated in January 2005) are widely used by health care professionals, food makers and educators, and also form the basis of the well-known U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Pyramid (most recently updated in April 2005) used to teach healthy eating habits based on food groups such as grains, vegetables and fats.
The 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommend:

Addressing the obesity epidemic in the United States by reducing calorie intake and increasing physical exercise

Be physically active most days of the week

Letting the Food Pyramid (revised April 2005) guide your food choices

Eating a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains

Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables daily

Keeping food safe from foodborne illness

Choosing beverages and foods that limit intake of sugars

Choosing and preparing foods with less salt

Drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation

Choosing a diet low in saturated fat, trans fatty acids and cholesterol, and moderate in total fat

Specifically, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommends the following (based on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet; to find the amounts that are right for you (exact amounts vary based on your age), visit the Food Pyramid Web site at

Meats and beans (Protein)

Five-and-a-half ounces of protein every day (vary your choices of meats, poultry, fish, beans, peas, nuts and seeds)

Fruits, vegetables and milk

At least two cups a day of fruit and two-and-a-half cups a day of vegetables

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Summer Weight Loss Tips

Posted by weigthloss-diets Wednesday, June 9, 2010 0 comments

Summer often means vacation, lighter clothing, outside activities – and a renewed focus on weight loss.
Dr. Cherry has discussed some of the best “diets” or ways of eating for better health in his recent radio programs, and these dietary habits also promote weight loss. Here are additional tips for supporting your weight management efforts:
Be active – Exercise is critical to increase your metabolic rate. Simply walking 45 minutes 4-5 times a week is very beneficial. Strength training also increases your lean muscles mass, which revs up your metabolism.
Set a realistic goal – Don’t set your goal too high; make attainable goals and celebrate your successes.

Plan what you’re going to eat, and don’t skip meals – This helps you avoid binging, and gives you control.

Monitor progress – Keeping an exercise and food log is very helpful, giving you a true picture of how many calories you consume daily. Be sure to include beverages; sugary drinks can add hundreds of empty calories a day.

Never skip breakfast – Not eating breakfast often leads to overeating later in the day. See Dr. Cherry’s best breakfast recommendations.

Know when you've had enough – Many people eat beyond fullness to discomfort, so learn to identify when you're satisfied. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register when your stomach is full, so eat slowly and take frequent breaks to give your brain time to get the message.

Don't use food to feel better – When faced with a stressful situation, don't turn to food for solace. Instead, exercise or do some other activity that will take your mind off food.

Don't eat on autopilot – Only eat at the table, not in front of the television, in the car or over the sink. Pay attention to what you are eating, and enjoy the taste, aroma and texture of each bite.

Jump-start your weight loss program – There are many natural substances that can be used to help control appetite, utilize fat for energy, increase your metabolism, and provide soluble fiber to make you feel fuller, such as these ingredients found in ourWeight Management Program :

• Chromium, an essential trace mineral that helps regulate glucose.
• 5 HTP, found to enhance serotonin production and suppress appetite. The craving of carbohydrates and sugar is directly related to an imbalance of the chemical serotonin in the brain. As serotonin levels increase, appetite levels decrease. By taking 5-HTP in supplement form, you can actually control your food cravings and eat less.
• Green tea extract, black pepper fruit, cayenne pepper, and which have thermogenic properties, increasing your body's resting metabolism rate – meaning you’re burning more calories even at rest.
• Guarana, an herbal source of caffeine that enhances energy - without jitteriness
• Garcinia contains hydroxycitric acid, which blocks the conversion of carbohydrates into fat storage and suppresses appetite.
• Platycodon extract inhibits the absorption of fat, but without the side effects of the medications that act in a similar way.
• Fibers such as glucomannan and absorbalean that help regulate blood sugar and lipid levels give a feeling of fullness, which helps to control appetite
• Inulin , a fiber that enhances the growth of beneficial intestinal flora.

Start following these steps now and you’ll be on your pathway to weight loss that lasts well past the end of summer!

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Companies Pay Employees For Weight Loss

Posted by weigthloss-diets Wednesday, June 2, 2010 0 comments

Many employers are looking for ways to help their employees with weight loss. They want their staff to lose weight and get healthier, and one way to accomplish this is by offering different financial opportunities. Companies have started offering financial incentives to help push staff in the direction of more healthy eating, living and hence, weight loss
At least 1/3 of United States companies are either currently offering financial incentives or plan to do so to encourage weight loss. However, the question was asked about the efficacy of this plan of offering money for losing weight. There is debate. Some say that "Dieting for Dollars" will not put a dent in America's large obesity epidemic. Kelly Brownell, director of Yale University's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity stated, "It's probably a waste of time." However, Dr. Kevin Volpp, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Health Incentives, stated, "There's been an explosion of interest in this."
There haven't been many studies as to whether or not paying employees money to lose weight is an effective tool for weight loss in their staff, as only 15 to 20 United States studies have been reported, but the results of these studies seem favorable to the idea. How much money it would take to be enough of an incentive for an employee to lose weight was never clear.
There are weight loss success stories though, where the incentive to lose the weight was money. Out of 9,000 employees at OhioHealth, a hospital chain, where most of the employees are overweight, half of staff joined a financial incentive program to lose weight by wearing a pedometer and getting paid to walk. They were afforded up to $500 a year. Over $377,000 was paid to the employees and many of the workers were successful in shedding pounds and needing smaller sized clothing.

A small observational study done at Cornell University looked seven employer programs which did not show promising for employees being encouraged by money to lose weight. The average weight was a little more than only one single pound. Studies like this are not encouraging, but there is still room for optimism for other studies have reported success in "Dieting for Dollars." It was noted that one of the issues with getting employees in companies to lose weight is that people at work are constantly taking lunch and even dinner breaks at restaurants. Meetings are being held at restaurants and it tends to be much harder to lose weight when eating out

Steven Kelder, an epidemiology professor at the University of Texas School of Public Health believes that food is more difficult an addiction to kick than is tobacco. He shared that while cigarettes can be addictive, people don't need to smoke to live, and advertising for cigarettes is not as widely advertised as food is. Snack machines containing sugary and unhealthy snacks are every where, but fruit and vegetable stands are not present in the workplace or in other buildings.

It seems that in order for these weight loss programs using monetary incentives to be successful, companies are going to have to become more active. Companies need to encourage employees to have regular health evaluations and to enroll in exercise classes. They should open small gyms within their buildings or give free or discounted memberships to outside gyms. They should put more healthy snacks in their office vending machines. Two of the most important changes that companies should make, despite their budget restrictions, if they want to be successful in helping their employees with their weight loss fights, are to lower health insurance premiums and to offer financial incentives that are large enough to make an employee interested in doing the hard work it takes to lose weight.

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Heaviest Biggest Loser Contestant Ever Wins; Drops 264 Lbs!

Posted by weigthloss-diets Thursday, May 27, 2010 0 comments

"I’m just freaking out right now!" he gushed after the show. "I lost so much weight ... I'm reborn. I have a new life. Everything that I do and I see and I taste and I feel and I experience is done for the first time."

Ventrella, who now weighs 262 lbs., began as the show's heaviest competitor ever, tipping the scales at 526 lbs.

What is he most proud of? "Fitting in a plane seat!" Ventrella told Us. "Up until almost the end of the season I was flying on two seats!"

With his new $250,000 grand prize, the currently unattached Ventrella said he plans to go to Disney World.

"I’m going to use the money to better my family, better me," he went on. "A lot of this weight was because of debt, and not feeling good about myself and how I look and what’s going on in my life. I'm going to get rid of my student loans, I’m going to help my mom -- I'm going to surprise my mom with that convertible she’s always wanted that I promised her when I was a kid. She had a lime green Mustang convertible when she was younger, and it was a beat-up piece of crap. There was no floor on the bottom! So I’m going to surprise her. She's going to be so excited! She’s my No. 1 fan. She’s my motivation and inspiration."

Moving forward, Ventrella told Us his biggest challenge will be figuring out "what it takes to keep a healthy lifestyle. That's the biggest hurdle."

Being on the show taught him one important lesson: If he didn't lose weight, "I was going to die," he told Us. "It was do-or-die time."

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Kim Kardashian is lucky to be in news all the time, despite not having to talk about as far as her professional career is concerned.

Blame it on her super sexy bikini body or her famous tan, but we find Kim to be well turned out every time she appears in the public.

Kim was recently seen in the Elle magazine and Armani Exchange’s Disco Glam party at the A/X boutique in West Hollywood.

She was dripping with sexuality with a black jumpsuit hugging her tight figure and highlighting those toned curves.

The 29 year old reality star who turns on the heat wherever she goes recently admitted that she has lost 10 lbs with the help of right kind of diet, exercise and weight loss supplements.

Kim commented that while earlier she used to have Grande Soy Chai Latte, now she has switched on to healthier options like eggs and oatmeal.

She revealed that she does not deprive herself and often have milkshakes whenever she feels like.

Added to this, she also works out.

Well we hope that Kim’s fitness routine will be an eye opener to those who thinks that stars get fit bodies by starving.

It’s high time people should realize that it’s more important to be healthy and fit rather than thin.

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How Much Exercise Prevents Weight Gain?

Posted by weigthloss-diets Tuesday, May 18, 2010 0 comments

Losing weight is difficult, and keeping it off may be even harder. So Harvard researchers set out to determine exactly how much physical activity women need in midlife to avoid gaining weight as they age.
The researchers found that an hour of moderate activity a day — including such recreational activities as brisk walking, leisurely bicycling, ballroom dancing and playing with children — prevented women of normal weight from gaining more than five pounds over any three-year period. Half that amount of vigorous activity, like running, jogging or fast biking, will do the trick as well, they said.
Women who got the same amount of exercise but were heavier to start with were not able to avoid gaining weight, however. Neither were women of normal weight who got less than seven hours a week of moderate activity, according to the study, published in the March 24 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.
The average weight gain over the course of the 15-year study, which followed 34,079 healthy women with an average age of 54 at the beginning, was just over five pounds. The researchers did not take diet into account.
“It’s so hard to lose weight and maintain the loss, so whatever weight you are, you should try to stay that weight — that is a success,” said the paper’s lead author, Dr. I-Min Lee, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health.

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How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Posted by weigthloss-diets Friday, May 7, 2010 0 comments

A lot of people want to lose weight fast for an event such as a wedding, a reunion or a party. If you find yourself wishing that you were 20 pounds slimmer but don't have a lot of time in which to pull it off, read this article without skipping a single word because I shall review 2 ways in which you can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks.
If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks you can do it in 2 ways:

1. Go on a juice based detox diet. This kind of diet cleanses your body of toxins and undigested food while providing you with carbs and sugars. Although this diet isn't suitable for a long duration, as a "crash" diet meant to help you lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, it can be extremely effective.

2. It you like working out and can spare the time, you can lose 20 pounds by doing a lot of cardiovascular activity over two weeks. I suggest doing 1 hour aerobic workout for 5 days on each of the 2 weeks. You can jog, power walk, cycle, swim or whatever you like. It you want to play basketball, tennis or take some aerobic classes, that's fine too.

Don't do massive workouts and go on a juice diet simultaneously. If your chose to burn off 20 pounds by exercising you'll need your strength. Reduce the amount of carbs that you consume but eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and protein. Make sure that all your fats are healthy ones like olive oil and canola oil.

Losing 20 Lbs in 2 weeks isn't the easiest thing in the world but if you believe in yourself and are willing to put in a little effort, I'm positive the you can do it.

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How many times have you, after a particularly hard day, reached for some chocolate or ice cream? It's common for many people, but for those trying to lose weight, it can be detrimental to their long term success, and most weight-loss programs never even address it.

They focus on choosing healthier foods and exercising more, but they never answer a key question: how can people who have eaten to cope with emotions change their eating habits, when they haven't learned other ways of coping with emotions?

Researchers at Temple's Center for Obesity Research are trying to figure out the answer as part of a new, NIH-funded weight loss study. The new treatment incorporates skills that directly address the emotional eating, and essentially adds those skills to a state-of-the art behavioral weight loss treatment.

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Eat eggs for breakfast to lose weight

Posted by weigthloss-diets Monday, April 26, 2010 0 comments

Wondering how to shed those extra kilos? Then eat an egg for breakfast, a new study suggests.

According to researchers from the University of Connecticut, eating eggs for breakfast helps reduce calorie consumption throughout the day by up to 18 percent. The protein-rich food makes the stomach feel full for longer, cutting the desire to eat more.

The findings revealed that men who consumed an egg-based breakfast ate significantly fewer calories when offered an unlimited lunch buffet compared to when they ate a carbohydrate-rich bagel breakfast of equal calories.

'There is a growing body of evidence that supports the importance of high-quality protein in the diet for overall health and in particular the importance of protein during breakfast,' said nutrition expert Maria Luz Fernandez, who led the research.

'We examined two typical breakfasts, and the participants' self-reported appetite ratings reveal that a protein-rich breakfast helps keep hunger at bay,' Fernandez added.

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Modest goals key to weight loss

Posted by weigthloss-diets 0 comments

Sensible weight-loss programmes have modest goals but the dramatic weight loss depicted in television shows is unrealistic.
Lauve Metcalfe, associate director of special projects for the Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition, University of Arizona, says sensible weight-loss programmes are rooted in self-esteem and positive body image.
Metcalfe identifies three areas essential to successful weight management: appetite - how you choose, cook and enjoy food; activity - how you move and engage in physical activity; attitude - how you deal with issues of self-esteem and barriers.

Metcalfe outlines 11 skills for developing a healthy body image and self-esteem:
Skill 1:onour your personal story: Past events and experiences 'shape' one's perception of body image. Acknowledge your personal story and become more conscious of what choices you can control to improve the quality of your life.
Skill 2:ccept yourself the way you are: Develop acceptance of your body image in the present form. Self-acceptance allows you to channel your energies into modifying behaviour, rather than struggling with negative thinking.
Skill 3: Create a positive mental outlook: The attitude that you bring into a situation greatly determines the outcome. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are probably right.
Skill 4: Practice positive self-talk skills: Positive self-talk messages will reinforce the qualities, skills and attributes within you, affect your unconscious mind and have a major effect on the way you view yourself.
Skill 5: Guide away from comparisons: Beauty is a multi-dimensional combination of a variety of aspects of an individual that is in a constant state of change. Acknowledge your personal expressions of beauty that make you unique.
Skill 6: Build your self-reliance: Each time you challenge yourself and attempt a task or skill that is outside of your comfort zone, you will experience a stronger degree of confidence in your abilities.
Skill 7: Lighten up and live in the now: To fully enjoy life, stay in the present and experience life from moment to moment. Create a balanced perspective on life by looking to the future with anticipation, respecting the past for insight, and most important -living in the now.
Skill 8: Reward yourself in healthy ways: Create rewards and positive incentives to keep you on track with your body image program. Develop daily, weekly and monthly incentives that recognize the effort you are putting into your personal wellness programme.
Skill 9: Give yourself praise: Acknowledge the positive steps you make in taking care of yourself. Be open to the praise of others and regularly give and receive compliments.
Skill 10: Develop coping skills to deal with setbacks: There are moments in all our lives that are difficult to deal with emotionally.
Skill 11: By creating rest periods and occasional breaks in your program you will allow yourself time to be a 'human being' versus a 'human doing.'
Skill 12: Be connected: Many people can help you stay on track with a healthy lifestyle. Value the role that supportive friends and relatives play in your life. Take time out on a regular basis to be in touch with nature and the environment, said an American College of Sports Medicine's (ACSM) release.

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Green Tea and Your Diet

Posted by weigthloss-diets Wednesday, April 21, 2010 3 comments

Green tea and green tea extracts can both contribute positively to your health and can be added to a diet easily. However, green tea as a drink is believed by many more beneficial than extracts. When I say green tea, however, I do not mean refrigerated drinks labeled green tea that are available in your local grocery store. While the drinks may be better than nothing most of the benefits are minimized due to processing and refrigeration. What you really need is tea you brew yourself from tea packets.

The amount of green tea to drink a day is subject to debate, but effects can be seen after as little as one or two cups. Others have recommended that you drink up to ten cups daily to see maximum results. One or two cups a day can easily be introduced into your routine by replacing coffee with green tea. Instead of bringing a thermos of coffee to work, bring a thermos of green tea. Green tea has about half the caffeine of coffee without the side effects.It also goes well with meals.

Taking a green tea extract will give you a concentrated dose of ECGC and health benefits but drinking and brewing green tea offers the added benefit of being more filling than a supplement pill. Tea takes more time and can be used if you're changing a diet to try and help yourself cut back on the amount of food you eat.

Whether a cup of hot tea or taking an extract capsule or tablet, the health benefits of green tea have been proven. The aid in losing weight coupled with the added health benefits make it a wonderful addition to any diet program you may be following.

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Wine may help women keep weight in check

Posted by weigthloss-diets Monday, April 19, 2010 0 comments

The study started out with nearly 20,000 trim middle-aged and older women. Over time, women who drank alcohol in moderation put on less weight and were less apt to become overweight compared to non-drinkers. This was true even after taking into account various lifestyle and dietary factors that might influence a woman's weight.

Red wine seemed best at keeping weight in check, but white wine, beer and spirits also had some benefit.

"Our study results showed that middle-aged and older women who have normal body weight initially and consume light-to-moderate amount of alcohol could maintain their drinking habits without gaining more weight compared with similar women who did not drink any alcohol," Dr. Lu Wang from the division of preventive medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, noted in an email to Reuters Health.

Many prior studies have suggested that moderate drinking -- usually defined as a drink or two a day -- can be a healthy habit, particularly with regard to heart health, while heavy drinking can harm health.

The new study, published in the latest issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, is the first to examine ties between alcohol consumption by a normal-weight individual and the risk of becoming overweight or obese.

The women were all at least 39 years old when the study began. About 38 percent said they did not drink alcohol; 33 percent said they drank less than 5 grams daily (a standard drink has about 10 grams of alcohol); 20 percent drank 5 to less than 15 grams daily; 6 percent drank 15 to less than 30 grams daily; and 3 percent downed 30 grams of alcohol or more daily (about 2 to 3 drinks per day or more).

Over an average of about 13 years, the women generally gained weight. However, the teetotalers gained the most weight, with weight gain decreasing with increasing amount of alcohol consumed.

Women who did not drink gained an average of 3.63 kilograms (8 pounds) compared with 1.55 kilograms (3.4 pounds) for those who consumed 30 grams of alcohol or more each day.

During the 13 years the initially normal-weight women were followed, 41 percent became overweight or obese. Women who drank 15 to less than 30 grams per day had the lowest risk of becoming overweight or obese, which was 30 percent less than that of non-drinkers.

Put another way, Wang said an initially trim woman who did not drink alcohol had about a 43 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese over 13 years. Her risk fell to 33 percent if she drank 15 to 30 grams of alcohol a day.

Women who drank higher amounts of alcohol were generally more physically active, weighed slightly less at the outset and were more apt to be smokers, than other women. However, the association between drinking and less weight gain and risk of becoming overweight or obese remained strong after accounting for these factors. This suggests that alcohol may independently affect body weight beyond its relationship with diet and lifestyle factors.

There are several reasons why alcohol might help women stay trim, Wang told Reuters Health. In the current study, women consuming more alcohol ate less, particularly carbohydrates -- a finding seen in other studies. Moreover, it's been shown that women tend to expend more energy after drinking alcohol -- more so than that contained in the alcohol. "Taken together, regular alcohol consumption in light-to-moderate amount may lead to a net energy loss among women,"

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Weight-Loss for Men vs Women

Posted by weigthloss-diets Friday, April 16, 2010 0 comments

"Why do men lose weight faster than women? Any tips on how I can lose weight more quickly?"

Men find it easier to shed weight for a couple of reasons. Firstly, their body composition has a higher percentage of lean muscle and less fat than women. This means they have a higher metabolic rate and so burn off kilojoules faster.

The other reason is psychology. Many men have little emotional attachment to food. To them, it’s just a means of fuel, not an emotional crutch to turn to when they need a little comfort. Once they have the right information, it’s easier for men to cut back on junk food.

As for losing weight faster, keep in mind that fast weight loss often means fast regain, typical of a quickie diet or detox. It’s better to lose the excess weight slowly and permanently. Having said that, if you’re finding your weight loss is slowing, check what you’re drinking – juice, fizzy drinks, smoothies and, above all, alcohol represent kilojoules in easy-to-over-consume form. You can slow your weight loss if you’re taking in too many of these. Drink plenty of water instead – it will also help you feel fuller!

Keep a food diary (including a weekend day) to track everything that goes in. You may be surprised at the biscuit eaten while waiting for the kettle to boil, the packet of crisps munched in the car on the way home, or the chocolate eaten in front of the TV. It’s easy to forget these little morsels but they can mean the difference between weight loss or weight plateaus.

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Tangy fruit could help to fight fat

Posted by weigthloss-diets 0 comments

Scientists believe the fat-busting powers of the fruit, grown in Italy and the U.S., may be partly due to its high levels of anthocyanin. This red pigment that gives the orange its deep colour is a type of antioxidant, a natural chemical that helps ward off diseases. The juice of the blood orange stops mice piling on weight when fed a high-fat diet, research shows. The juice damages the ability of cells called adipocytes to accumulate fat, University of Milan researchers told the International Journal of Obesity. Adipocytes are found mostly around the waistline and absorb fat from food to store as energy.

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Lose Weight with Appetite Suppressing Foods

Posted by weigthloss-diets Wednesday, April 14, 2010 0 comments

The hunger associated with losing weight can seem daunting, and may even discourage many people from maintaining their weight loss program. There are many foods, however, that can suppress appetite. This makes dieting much easier, and increases the probability of weight loss success.

There are many weight loss products on the market, but there are also many natural foods that can avert hunger. Choose foods that are filling, yet contain few calories. In addition, take care to try new food combinations. Unfortunately, many people on a calorie deficit suffer from diet boredom because they fail to incorporate variety into their meal plan.

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Best weight loss vegetables are broccoli, spinach and garlic

Posted by weigthloss-diets Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3 comments

Mom always said to eat your vegetables because they are good for you, but the Global Gazette is reporting that broccoli, spinach and garlic are also the best vegetables to help you lose weight.

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Weight Watchers has now officially endorsed Chicken McNuggets as a "healthy meal" in New Zealand, where McDonald's restaurants will begin carrying the Weight Watchers logo on several menu items. This bizarre and inexplicable decision has now made Weight Watchers the laughing stock of the health world where nutrition and weight loss experts normally don't use "McDonald's fast food" and "weight loss" in the same sentence.

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Three Reasons Coconut Oil can Help You Lose Weight

Posted by weigthloss-diets Sunday, April 11, 2010 1 comments

Sorting through fact and fiction when it comes to weight loss is a tough order, especially when fad diets spring to life and wither away all in the same season. Many claims have been made about coconut oil and weight loss, but a number of whole food enthusiasts know this one is the real deal. And that's because coconut oil is more than a weight loss aid: it's a well-documented health food. Take it from experts like Dr. Bruce Fife and Dr. Mary Enig, both of whom speak volumes about the merits of coconut oil, when they vouch for its credibility. Coconut oil really can help you lost weight, and here's three reasons why:

#1 Get a Metabolism Boost

Coconut oil is one of the most abundant sources of medium-chain fatty acids, and these nifty little triglycerides can work wonders for a sluggish metabolism. In a study that looked at the effect of medium-chain fatty acids on metabolism, it was found that these fats could increase the metabolic rate by up to 48 percent and for up to 24 hours. If your metabolism has been damaged by dieting or stress, a daily dose of coconut oil can do wonders for getting it back on the right track.

#2 Balance Your Blood Sugar

The profound effect coconut oil seems to have on the metabolism extends to insulin function as well. This may be because coconut oil can supply the body with energy similar to blood glucose, but without having a negative impact on blood sugar and insulin levels. Including coconut oil before or during a meal also lowers the glycemic impact of what you're eating, which prevents those dreaded blood sugar highs and lows.

#3 Cure Candida and Yeast Overgrowth

The beneficial fatty acids in coconut oil do more than speed up a lagging metabolism. Lauric acid and caprylic acid in coconut oil also protect against one of the hidden causes behind weight gain: candida and yeast. When an overgrowth of candida is present, weight loss can be almost impossible. Candida causes symptoms like fatigue, poor concentration, recurring infections related to yeast, excessive sinus infections, and much more. But the side effect that really hinders weight loss is cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. This is because yeast feeds off sugar (carbohydrates break down into sugar once in the body), so it causes cravings in order to support its own life.

Taking coconut oil to counteract yeast overgrowth is highly effective, but it should be done with care. Coconut oil is such a powerful remedy for candida that it can cause strong symptoms of headaches, chills, and foggy thinking as the yeast dies off. This can be reduced by slowly incorporating coconut oil into your diet, starting with as little as one teaspoon daily.

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These findings fit with our hypothesis that yoga increases mindfulness in eating and leads to less weight gain over time, independent of the physical activity aspect of yoga practice," said Kristal, who is also a professor of epidemiology at the University of Washington School of Public Health. "Mindful eating is a skill that augments the usual approaches to weight loss, such as dieting, counting calories and limiting portion sizes. Adding yoga practice to a standard weight-loss program may make it more effective.

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Weight Loss News

Posted by weigthloss-diets Thursday, April 8, 2010 0 comments

These findings have important public health implications and indicate that meeting the physical activity recommendations may offset the genetic predisposition to obesity associated with the FTO polymorphism in adolescents," the authors write. "Indeed, adolescents meeting the daily physical activity recommendations may overcome the effect of this gene on obesity-related traits

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Lose Weight Benifit

Posted by weigthloss-diets Tuesday, April 6, 2010 1 comments

Running is perhaps the most effective way to lose weight, but that doesn't make it either fast or magical. In fact, you may gain a few pounds early on as your body converts fat tissue to muscle tissue, which is denser and heavier than fat. But if you stick with the program, you'll literally run off the excess pounds.

Here are some of the strategies that have proven most successful for runners interested in maximum weight loss.

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Weight Loss

Posted by weigthloss-diets Sunday, April 4, 2010 0 comments

Browse eMedTV's wide range of articles related to weight loss including topics such as hydroxycut, akavar, and weight loss. Use the search box at the top-right corner of the page to find information about other health topics.

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Weight Loss

Posted by weigthloss-diets 0 comments

A good weight loss program is the key to losing excess fat. A weight loss program should be a combination of diet and exercise, as explained in these weight loss

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Adipex - All Side Effects

Posted by weigthloss-diets Saturday, April 3, 2010 0 comments

Weight Loss Articles containing information on subjects from Adipex to Alli Side Effects. The information is organized alphabetically; the "Favorite Articles" contains the top articles on this page. Links in the box will take you directly to the articles; those same links are available with a short description further down the page.

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"The liver oscillator in particular helps the organism to adapt to a daily pattern of food availability by temporally tuning the activity of thousands of genes regulating metabolism and physiology," Dr. Panda said in the statement to the press. "This regulation is very important, since the absence of a robust circadian clock predisposes the organism to various metabolic dysfunctions and diseases."

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How To Lose Weight Fast

Posted by weigthloss-diets Wednesday, March 31, 2010 0 comments

We all have our time controlled under a very short leash, each and every single day we know exactly the amount of free time that we have, and most of the time we already know what to do with those extra minutes of our days; which is exactly why it becomes utterly hard to discover the best way to lose weight, especially when the process could take forever. There is only so much time that we can squeeze out from our busy agendas, and, needless to say, exercise can be a very lengthy process.

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weight control

Posted by weigthloss-diets 0 comments

The theory that eating slowly means a lower food intake has been around for at least 30 years, but this study is the first to lend scientific proof to the idea.

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